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I have this habit of customizing pretty much everything.  I can’t stand a blank canvas, and I get even more excited to customize something FUNCTIONAL.  So when I got a new pair of SCABS kneepads, they were not only awesome for my knees during falls (since an injury was jacking them up), with their white kneecaps, they were just begging do be doodled on….so I grabbed my trusty Sharpie markers and got to work.

Now this is one of those projects you do just for fun, because if you know anything about derby, you know those things are gonna get CREAMED.  Point in fact:  Here’s a picture of them in action:


And this is a pic of  my newly customized kneepads after just one bout:


But you know, those doodles were fun while they lasted, and why not?  I love to see people customize the things they own.  To not accept them straight out of the box, to get creative and funky with them, even if it’s for a short time.  What can YOU customize today?

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